Exterior Painting in Melbourne @ All Seasons Roofing.
Our exterior painting process in Melbourne starts with ensuring the protection of all surfaces that aren’t being painted. We cover every area with drop sheets, shielding them not only from paint splatters but more importantly from flaking paint that has been removed during the preparation stage.
This extensive exterior painting preparation system is similar to the one we undertake when Interior House Painting. Our attention to detail is what sets us apart from other exterior house painting companies.
Our team of professional local painters are able to paint the whole exterior of your home including walls windows doors eves facias gutters downpipes patios pergolas paths decking carports garages fences mailboxes and even roofs. We paint bricks, rendered cement walls, cladding walls and off course we paint timber walls. Our professional painters can do it all.
We have painted all types of homes including old colonial, victorian, federation, post war, late 20th century and contemporary modern homes. No matter how small or large homes your home is we can paint it. Plus because we use scaffolding so can paint tall homes even 3 and 4 storeys high. We often paint the exterior of large unit blocks and strata buildings. Using only Dulux paint products our professional painters achieve only the highest quality results that lasts many years
Our exterior house painters in Melbourne have years of experience and use high-quality paint products to ensure the best results. Climate conditions are also taken into account, ensuring all work we complete will be able to withstand Melbourne’s varying weather conditions. Our highly skilled local exterior house painters will ensure wind, rain, sunlight and temperature changes won’t affect the look of your new paint job. We’re also a member of the Australian Master Painters Association, so you can trust we’ll produce the best results when painting house exteriors. |
Our Other ServicesIn addition to exterior painting, We can also help you with all types of timber carpentry works and repairs
If you’re looking to make the exterior of your home look stunning, make Melbourne House Painters your first port of call. The task of painting house exteriors is made easy with the help of our trusted team of exterior house painters. Our professionals are aware of all developments in exterior painting and use the best tools and ideas to ensure a world-class exterior house painting job.
Call: (03) 8862 5420 |
Effective House Painting Solutions
All Seasons Roofing & Restoration offers a range of house painting ideas and personalised house painting solutions to meet all of your requirements. With over 25 years experience in house painting, We are the trusted choice.
For most people their property is their most valuable asset, so when it comes to painting and decorating both interior and exterior it is absolutely critical that it is carried out to the highest standards possible. All Seasons Roofing use the best tools, materials and tradesmen to get the best house painting
- FREE COLOUR CONSULTATION – We offer free colour advice in all our house painting services. This includes a colour consultation, followed by colour samples applied to large surfaces instead of small colour chips to better help finalise selection.
- BRANDS AND ADVICE – We are experienced in using all Murobond, Porters, Dulux, Solver and Wattyl affects and we offer advice and direction on where to use these products when painting a house.
Safe and proper preparation is important for great results when painting a house. We take great care in preparation, which is reinforced by us in offering a 10 years guarantee on all paint finishes when we use Dulux paints.
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About All Season Roofing and Restoration
We provide first class services to the insured customer. From beginning to end the customer will be informed of the entire process and our tradesmen are always polite and courteous Our Roofing and Restoration crews have been with us for many years and are all fully qualified and experienced tradesmen too carry out all your painting and exterior painting needs across Melbourne |
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